
Sun Protection in Cultural Institutions: Creating the Ideal Experience

The Role of Light in Cultural Spaces: In museums, galleries and exhibition spaces, the experience is central. Light plays a crucial role in shaping this experience.

It is therefore important to be able to control and adjust the light so that it enhances and strengthens the desired impression. To this end, flexible solar shading, which can adapt the light conditions over time, is an indispensable resource.

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Things to consider when choosing sun protection for exhibitions

The Power of Daylight: In cultural contexts, daylight can be a dynamic element that plays with perception and changes the experience throughout the day. It helps to create a living and changing environment.

Avoid Glare: At the same time, it is critical to avoid glare that can distract and degrade the experience for visitors, potentially causing discomfort or headaches.

Light Control: Depending on the intensity of the sun, it should be possible to adjust the sunshade, either manually or automatically, to achieve the perfect balance of light.

The View as Part of the Experience: In some cases, the view from the building is an integral part of the cultural experience, be it an expansive landscape view or an urban environment.

Dimming on Demand: It may be necessary to completely darken certain rooms to create the right focus and atmosphere for specific exhibitions or events, or to easily adjust the brightness.

Sound-Absorbing Features: Considering the number of visitors, the sound environment in cultural spaces can often become disturbing. Sunshades that also function as sound-absorbing elements can contribute to a calmer and more pleasant environment.

Protection of Works of Art: Effective sun shading is also important to protect works of art from harmful UV rays.

Appropriate sun protection solutions for cultural institutions↓

Contact us to find out more about our sun protection for showrooms!

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